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  作为叶锦添首部自传性摄影随笔集,本书精选了其自1980年代以来各时期风格各异的代表作品109幅,分为“美人”“橱窗”“众生”“异境”四辑,涵括其在电影拍摄间隙与从未间断的旅行中所捕捉、记录的真实瞬间与回忆性文字,勾连出叶锦添在电影、舞台、当代艺术之间自如与自觉的艺术寻真之路。在叶锦添敏锐与精妙的镜头布局中,周润发、张国荣、梅艳芳、张曼玉、王祖贤、周迅、李冰冰、桂纶镁、林嘉欣等呈现出少为大众知晓的情绪状态;与此同时,还以简洁亲切的文字呈现与他们动人的生命交集。而在致敬摄影大师黛安·阿勃丝(Diane Arbus)的初衷驱使下,叶锦添将更多的记录对象,移至现实主义的表达,不论是孟加拉少年充满神性的对视,还是藏族女孩极具生命力的凝望,抑或是纽约地铁、巴黎街头、香港老城区的喧嚣闪影,都在尝试透视出现实概念下的真实。此外,叶锦添还善于营造镜头背后拟人化与戏剧化的虚实意境,游走于抽象与具象的边界。









  叶锦添在文字作品领域也有多年且深入的探索和研究,曾以中文、英文、法文等语言出版了《无时序的世界:叶锦美学笔记》《流形:叶锦添的创意美学》《不确定时间》《中容》《大火》《繁花》《流白》《神行陌路:叶锦添的新东方主义》《寂静·幻象》《神思陌路:叶锦添的创意美学》、ROUGE-L'ART DE TIM YIP、GIJÓN等多部作品。

"Stare" content introduction

Among Tim Yip's many titles and honors, it is easy to overlook his identity as a photographer and his creation in the field of photography. He majored in photography and graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, majoring in Advanced Photography in Practical Photography. The aesthetic concepts he learned from photography are either implicit or evident in his subsequent film and stage art creation and costume design.

In Yip's view, photography is not a kind of creation, but a kind of insight, a kind of divine snooping, allowing the "seen" to happen in the lens, and presenting both the external and the internal landscape. He indulged in the exploration of the dimension of time, trying to extract parts from reality constantly in order to touch the abstract meaning of time.

As Yip's first collection of autobiographical photo essays, this book features 109 representative works of various styles from various periods since the 1980s, which are divided into four volumes: "Beauty", "Window", "Living beings" and "Alien Land", covering the real moments and reminiscences captured and recorded by Yip during his breaks in film shooting and continuous travels. It shows Yip's way of finding truth freely and consciously between film, stage and contemporary art. In Yip's sharp and subtle camera layout, Chow Yun-fat, Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui, Maggie Cheung, Wang Zuxian, Zhou Xun, Li Bingbing, Kwei-Lun-mei, Lam Jiaxin, etc., present a little-known emotional state; At the same time, it also presents the intersection of their moving lives with simple and intimate words. Driven by the original intention of paying tribute to the master photographer Diane Arbus, Yip shifted more objects to realistic expressions, whether it was the divine gaze of a Bangladeshi teenager, or the vibrant gaze of a Tibetan girl, or the noisy flash-forward of the New York subway, the streets of Paris, or the old town of Hong Kong. They're trying to see what's real under the concept of reality. In addition, Yip is also good at creating a false and real artistic conception of anthropomorphism and dramatization behind the camera, walking on the boundary between abstract and concrete.

"The photographer creates time in progress, rather than documenting everything that passes in the moment." In this time travel between reality and truth created by Tim Yip, each of us will gain a profound insight.

About the author

Ye Jintian

World-renowned film and stage art directors, costume designers and visual artists are committed to exploring and promoting the aesthetic concept of "Neo-Orientalism" and interpreting the inspiration of ancient culture for the future. His creation works in film, stage, contemporary art, literature and other diverse fields. In 2001, Yip won the Oscar for Best Art Direction and the British Film Academy Award for Best Costume Design for his film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, becoming the first Chinese artist to win these awards.

Since his participation in the first film "The Best of Heroes" in 1986, more than 30 years ago, Tim Yip has been responsible for the art direction and costume design of a number of films, including the hot 2023 release of "Feng Shen Part I: The Wind of Song". There are many partners, such as well-known directors John Woo, Ang Lee, Feng Xiaogang, CAI Mingliang, Chen Guofu, Kwan Jinpeng, Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Li Shaohong and so on.

In the field of stage art, Tim Yip has worked with many world-renowned artists and art groups in China, Austria, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Japan and Israel. The works of the individual director, "Wind from the Ground" and "Love of the Falling City", are both large-scale full-view theaters that integrate video and stage art.

In 2004, Tim Yip designed the stage and costumes for the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games. After that, he was invited to be the designer of the medal wear of the Chinese sports delegation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Over the years, he has held individual art exhibitions in Taipei, Paris, London, Amiens, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and other cities.

In 2022, the opera Lohengrin, directed by Francois Girard and designed by Tim Yip, premiered at the Bolshoi Theatre and toured at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 2023.

In the field of written works, Tim Yip has also had many years of in-depth exploration and research, and has published in Chinese, English, French and other languages, "The World without Time: Notes on the aesthetics of Jin Yip", "Manifold: Tim Yip's Creative Aesthetics", "Uncertain Time", "The Fire", "Flowers", "Liu Bai", "The Journey of God: Tim Yip's Neo-Orientalism", "Silence · Illusion", "The Journey of God:" The Creative Aesthetics of TIM YIP, ROUGE-L'ART DE TIM YIP, GIJON and many other works.

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