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  刘俏,北京大学光华管理学院金融学教授、院长,国家自然科学基金杰出青年获得者(2013年)和教育部长江学者特聘教授(2014)。2010年底加入光华前,刘俏教授任教于香港大学经济及工商管理学院,担任金融学助理教授、副教授(终身教职)。2001年12月至2003年7月间,刘俏教授曾任职于麦肯锡公司,负责麦肯锡亚洲公司金融和战略方面的研究,并为大型亚洲企业和跨国公司提供咨询服务。刘俏教授在公司金融、实证资产定价、金融市场与金融机构、和中国经济等方面拥有众多著述,由Journal of Financial Economics,Management Science,Economic Journal,Journal of Accounting Research,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis等国际顶级学术期刊发表。刘俏教授与他人合作撰写的关于亚洲债券市场和亚洲金融体系的书籍包括Asia’s Debt Markets:Prospects and Strategies for Development(New York:Springer,2006);Finance in Asia:Institution,Regulation,and Policy(New York:Routledge,2013)。他的英文著作Corporate China 2.0:The Great Shakeup全面梳理改革开放四十年中国企业的变迁,讲述中国发展故事,2017年1月由国际出版商Palgrave Macmillan出版。刘俏教授也是中文畅销书《从大到伟大——中国企业的第二次长征》(2014)和《从大到伟大2.0——重塑中国高质量发展的微观基础》(2018)的作者。


Introduction of works

Financial crises in human history have repeatedly reminded us that what we need is not bigger finance, but better finance. The criterion to judge whether a finance is good or bad lies in whether it can effectively reduce the cost of establishing trust at both ends of the fund, thus reducing financing costs and improving the efficiency of financial intermediation. Based on the institutional background and historical evolution of financial development, this book analyzes the deep logic behind the continuous changes of the global financial system, especially the Chinese financial system, in the past 70 years from the perspective of financial evolution. Through a large number of data analysis and empirical evidence, it is revealed that "there is no anchor for the market pricing of credit, stocks, government credit, real estate and infrastructure investment and financing" is the biggest structural problem of China's financial system. Repairing the breaking point of the financial system in our era and shaping a new generation of high-quality development of the financial system requires us to change our thinking about financial development and return to the basic law of financial evolution - building a good finance that can effectively reduce the cost of financial intermediation.

Liu Qiao, Professor of Finance and Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Winner of the National Natural Science Foundation (2013) and Special Professor of Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education (2014). Prior to joining Guanghua at the end of 2010, Professor Qiao Liu taught at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Hong Kong as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Finance (tenure track). From December 2001 to July 2003, Professor Qiao Liu worked at McKinsey & Company, where she was responsible for the financial and strategic aspects of McKinsey Asia and provided consulting services to large Asian corporations and multinational corporations. Professor Liu Qiao has written extensively on corporate finance, empirical asset pricing, financial markets and institutions, and the Chinese economy. By Journal of Financial Economics,Management Science,Economic Journal,Journal of Accounting Research,Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and other top international academic journals. Her co-authored books on Asian bond Markets and Asian financial systems include Asia's Debt Markets:Prospects and Strategies for Development (New York:Springer, 2006); Finance in Asia: Institution, Regulation, and the Policy (New York: Routledge, 2013). His English book Corporate China 2.0:The Great Shakeup comprehensively reviews the changes of Chinese enterprises over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, and tells the story of China's development, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in January 2017. Professor Liu Qiao is also the author of the Chinese bestsellers From Big to Great: The Second Long March of Chinese Companies (2014) and From Big to Great 2.0: Reshaping the Micro Foundation of China's High-quality Development (2018).

She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (2000), a Master's degree in International Finance from the Institute of Finance and Banking of the People's Bank of China (1993), and a Bachelor's degree in Applied Economic Mathematics from Renmin University of China (1991). In addition to academic research, Professor Liu Qiao has rich experience in policy research and practice. He chaired a number of "Guanghua Thought Force" projects: "China's REITs Development" project called for the launch of standardized public offering REITs in China through a series of studies, and tried to develop norms of practice for Chinese public offering REITs; The "2035 Vision and Long-term Outlook Study" provides a low-level report for the formulation of the national "14th Five-Year Plan"... Professor Liu Qiao is an advocate of local government finance, taking the lead in compiling government balance sheets for local governments, and calling for market-based local government credit ratings to be used as a key performance assessment indicator to optimize local government behavior patterns. Professor Liu Qiao is a member of the 17th Issuance Review Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Member of the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Development Planning Expert Committee of the National Development and Reform Commission; Special Invited Member of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Decision-making Advisory Committee of Sichuan Provincial Government; Member of the Decision-making Advisory Committee of Guangdong Provincial People's Government; Member of the Central Economic Research Center of the Democratic Revolution; Member of Think Tank Committee of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; Deputy Chairman of the fifth and sixth National MBA Teaching Steering Committee; Deputy Chairman of the Finance Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education. In 2017, he was named "Influential China Economist of the Year" by China News Weekly.

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