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  Richard Rhodes




【 Content Introduction 】

At 8:16:02 on August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb used in actual combat in human history was detonated over Hiroshima with an explosive yield equivalent to 12,500 tons of TNT. Three days later, the power of the atom descends on Nagasaki. On August 15, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, bringing an end to World War II with more than 100 million casualties.

When it comes to the birth of the atomic bomb, many people's first reaction is often the "Manhattan Project" initiated by the United States in 1942. But in fact, to trace the birth of the atomic bomb, you need to go back half a century.

In "Out of Nowhere: Nuclear Physics and the Birth of the Atomic Bomb," author Richard Rhodes writes from J.J. Since Thomson's discovery of the electron opened the curtain on our understanding of the composition of atoms, the most glittering half-century in the history of physics has seen the emergence of scientific giants such as Rutherford, Marie Curie, Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Chadwick, Otto Hahn and Lizer Meitner. This was followed by the discovery of protons and neutrons, radioactivity, the mass-energy relationship, the quantum world, and nuclear fission. Humans have seen the enormous amount of energy contained in an atomic nucleus.

The rapid development of physics is accompanied by changes in the world political pattern. The First World War, the rise of fascism, and the persecution of Jews have influenced and changed the physics world all the time: physics genius Henry Moseley was killed in the First World War battlefield, and a large number of Jewish scientists left the United States... The outbreak of World War II pitted former teachers and friends against each other and launched a race to develop the atomic bomb. Under the leadership of Oppenheimer and Leslie Groves, the United States, with its overwhelming technological, engineering, and economic power, launched the Manhattan Project on an unprecedented scale. Rich in human, political, and scientific detail, the book Chronicles the difficult process of developing the atomic bomb in the face of technological, engineering, and resource challenges. It was accompanied by the ups and downs of World War II and a sense of urgency that whichever side succeeded first might strike first. On July 16, 1945, the bomb was successfully detonated in the "Trinity" nuclear test and was used in combat less than a month later. The war is over, but the nuclear game and confrontation between the great powers are about to begin.

Born Out of the Blue is one of the only three non-fiction books (history, biography, memoir and other categories are also included) in the history of the American book world's three major book awards Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the American Book Critics Association Award, and is the only popular science book to have won these three book awards. When the book was first published, several Nobel laureates involved in the development of the atomic bomb were still alive, and almost all of them praised the book.

About the author

Richard Rhodes

Richard Rhodes

American historian and writer, visiting professor at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, visiting scholar at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and many other famous American universities, writing projects have long been funded by the Guggenheim Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, the Alfred Sloan Foundation and other famous American foundations.

Rhodes has published 23 books and written one play. His "Nuclear History Tetralogy" represented by "Out of the World: Nuclear Physics and the Birth of the Atomic Bomb" established his position as an international authority in the field of nuclear history research. In addition to nuclear history, Rhodes is particularly good at writing biographies and portraits of people, having published acclaimed biographies of famous Hollywood movie stars and inventors Hedy Lamarr and biologist Edward Wilson.

Rhodes's most influential work, "Out of the Room: Nuclear Physics and the Birth of the Atomic Bomb," is one of only three non-fiction books (history, biography, memoir and other categories are also included) to win the three major American book awards, the Pulitzer Book Award, the National Book Award, and the American Society of Book Reviewers Award, and is the only popular science book to win these three awards.

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