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《火星纪事》是布拉德伯里的成名作,奠定了他在科幻小说界的地位。2012年美国航天局将“好奇”号在火星的着陆点命名为“布拉德伯里着陆点”。《火星纪事》曾在1980被NBC拍成过科幻剧,主演是明星罗克•赫德森。1997年时,制片人John Davis和大导演斯皮尔伯格也曾想让环球公司来改编拍摄该书。2011年派拉蒙公司买下了《火星纪事》的改编权,准备将其搬上大银幕。





Ray Bradbury





本书译者林翰昌系台湾科幻界的代表人物,英国利物浦大学科幻研究硕士,台大电机系Maxwell BBS站的科幻版版主。其质与量均佳的“猫昌科幻书介“在网络上极富盛名。

With Earth on the brink of destruction, people, armed with their oldest fears and deepest desires, emigrate to Mars in search of a fresh start. Man has conquered Mars - and Mars has conquered man. The Red Planet, home to an ancient and endangered race, seems to have cast a spell on him, changing him forever. Martians who know the art of "telepathy" and "transfiguration"; A lonely Martian wife in love with an Earthling and her jealous husband; The rocket captain who landed safely but was locked up in a mental hospital; A black-bellied gentleman plotting revenge on the horrors of POE's novels... On the strange red land, can the noise brought by humans finally return to calm? Could Mars be another home for humanity?

Bradbury pays homage to POE in "The Next Chapter of the House of Usher", a surreal and lifelike chronicle of Mars that stretches from 1999 to 2026, poetic and ethereal but also very POE. This is a story of old death and new life, a dream that is close to despair but full of hope. Bradbury's view of human nature is pessimistic, but he does not complain, just in the quiet to faithfully record the story, reflecting on the cruelty of human beings to foreigners, the lack of imagination, caused by the separation and conflict between different cultural groups. An important focus of the book is the conflict between outsiders (" invaders ") and "natives", which is a topic of discussion and concern in today's society with increasing population mobility and cultural exchange. Beautiful dreams and cruel reality are intertwined, blending into an indescribable beauty that transcends the horizon of genre science fiction.

The Martian Chronicle was Bradbury's seminal work and established him in the world of science fiction. In 2012, NASA named Curiosity's landing site on Mars the Bradbury landing Site. The Martian Chronicle was made into a science fiction series for NBC in 1980, starring star Rock Hudson. In 1997, producer John Davis and director Steven Spielberg tried to get Universal to adapt the book. In 2011 Paramount bought the adaptation rights to The Martian Chronicle for the big screen.

Steven Spielberg: "Bradbury was the Muse of my science fiction career. In the world of science fiction and fantasy he will live forever."

Stephen King: "The sound I hear today is the thunder of a giant's footsteps as they fade away."

About the author

Ray Bradbury (1920-2012)

Ray Bradbury

Born in Waukee, Illinois. Writing professionally since 1943, he has written hundreds of short stories and published nearly fifty books, in addition to numerous poems, essays, operas, plays, television and film scripts. Recognized worldwide as a master of science fiction, Bradbury's novels are taught or recommended in more than 1,000 American public and private schools. He has received the World Fantasy Association Lifetime Achievement Award and the Science Fiction Writers Association of America Master Award, among many other awards.

He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and an asteroid in space named after him. The current US President Barack Obama praised Bradbury the day after his death, saying that "his storytelling genius reshaped our culture and expanded our world" and that his influence would inspire generations to come. He was also a finalist for an Academy Award for Best Screenplay for an Animated Short Film and won an Emmy Award for Best Screenplay for a Radio Drama. After the Apollo astronauts landed on the moon, they even named the crater on the moon "Dandelion Crater" in homage to Bradbury's novel "Dandelion Wine."

Bradbury's works are beautifully written, and he is known as the "science fiction poet". He is good at writing beautiful and imaginative fantasy stories in the style of Allan POE, and his works have caused great repercussions not only in the science fiction world, but also in the literary world, and is loved by the majority of readers, and is regarded as "the most important person who brought modern science fiction into the mainstream literature field."

Best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 and his short story collections The Martian Chronicle and The Pattern Man, he has been hailed as one of the most important American writers of the twentieth century.

The translator of this book is Lin Hanchang, a representative of Taiwan science fiction, a master of science fiction studies from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, and a science fiction edition moderator of Maxwell BBS website of the Electrical Department of Taiwan University. The quality and quantity of its "Cat Chang science fiction book" is very famous on the Internet.

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